"When I say to someone wicked, ‘Wicked one, you will surely die!’ but you do not speak out to warn the wicked one to change his course, he will die as a wicked man because of his own error, but I will ask his blood back from you"
What is the principle upon which the one who failed to warn the wicked one, is held responsible for his death? Is it not the principle of not acting to help someone whose wellbeing is in danger? So this bible passage shows us that is immoral to do nothing to help someone who is in danger.
However, in the bible teach book, Watchtower argues that God is innocent of blame for allowing evil things to happen. They say there is a big difference between causing harm and allowing it to happen. Such reasoning is atrocious and contradicts the fundamental principle underpinning the scripture you quoted from Ezekiel.
A person who allows someone to suffer harm without doing anything to help them while having the power to help them is acting immorally. Therefore when the God of the bible sits by and allows all manner of atrocities to befall people when he has the power to stop it - he too is acting immorally. It is only logical. But theists can't admit this inconsistency.